its all About Me

Tell us a bit about yourself/who you are as a person

I am the youngest of nine children, born and raised in Te Arawa (Rotorua). I affiliate with my iwi Te Whakatohea (Opotiki) and Te Rarawa (Dargaville) and I am also of French, German and Jewish descent. My work ethics began at an early age working, in my parents’ food establishment (The Steak Bar on Amohau Street) in the 70s. I did not receive a formal high school education as I was forced to leave at age 15 when I was expecting my first child. It was of no surprise that my trade would lead to working in the hospitality industry. I became an apprentice chef at an elegant restaurant called ‘You & Me’ and gained qualifications as a chef at what was known at that time as Waiariki Institute of Technology. I went on to become Kitchen Manager in the Cobb & Co franchise at the Grand Hotel.

These early experiences shaped much of my later kaupapa as an artist. The ability to plan projects, work hard, work under pressure, and ‘get the job done’ has fed into my art career and my current practice.

How long have you been an artist for and how did it start?

It was not my intention to become an artist, it just happened. Being the baby of the family I was nurtured by older siblings and Kuia so early on I was surrounded by an abundance of creativity. I would collect objects from the beach at Cape Runaway with my Kuia, Queenie then we would make shell and drift wood ornaments. I learnt to weave bowls and mats from harakeke (flax) planted by my grandmother. I always had an inquiring mind and a strong sense of creative expression but it was a matter of letting this inner voice speak. In 2000 I enrolled in a Certificate in Art course at Waiariki and this is where I felt I belonged.

I discovered unique forms of expression while studying and loved the course. I graduated with fine art degree in 2004. In 2007 I gained a Master of Fine Art from Whitecliffe College of Art & Design, Auckland. In 2012 I completed Postgraduate studies in the field of Material and Visual Culture through Massey University. I have been a practicing artist for 14 years and I currently lecturer in the Creative Arts at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology in Rotorua.

What mediums do you work with?

I work in 2D and 3D art with a diverse range of media. I have always had an intimate relationship with uku (clay) often collecting directly from nature, which I coined the term “wild clay” in 2004. Working with this indigenous material has provided a fruitful pathway in my art career receiving prestigious art awards. My most recent unconventional art practices involve the use of the forgotten, unwanted, and discarded objects.

Where do you get inspiration from with your work?

My ongoing investigation around materials and visual culture has influenced my use of discarded materials. I often purposefully underlying qualities of transforming trash and addressing our extreme wastage. The work illustrates ways which we can reclaim and integrate everyday materials from the refuse to the world of art. The designs are a hybrid between traditional practices and modern adaptations and it becomes evident with the materials and process I labour with, and the theoretical meaning behind the art and artefacts.

What do you enjoy about creating art?

My creations are from a thought that transpires into an idea that takes form in a material. In some sense, my works are thoughts made material. I do prefer the hands-on approach to creating by manipulating materials and by getting stuck in and doing it for me is where magic happens. My creative practice and teaching practice seamlessly traverse a variety of art disciplines and media. I enjoy transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

REF: Matua, J. (2018). “An abundance of creativity Q&A: with Jane Matua” Rotorua Weekender July 20, 2018 retrieved from Rotorua Weekender